April 07, 2004

Was Gandhi part of XSD.EXE dev team?

I am currently working on a project that sort of woks like an Interface engine for things like HL7, X12N and NCPDP Script messages. We recently bought a very fine and expensive Interface engine at work. However, we have been using a very simple "managed" solution written completely in C# -- if it woks, I wrote it, else :).

Now, we have this guy who is really good at "product" management and on top of that, he takes "specs" that are published in pdf files and creates all these great mapping guides for what "our" implementation of the HL7 or X12 is going to be. Better yet, he takes xmlspy and generates some pretty nifty xsd files from were he later derives great HTML based documented diagrams, It makes my life very easy.

I then take the xsd files and generate classes using xsd.exe. Now my interface engine takes these XML representation of HL7, X12, etc. and I can easily parse it and populate database tables as appropriate. The technique I am using is pretty much inspired by XML serialization/deserialization. This process then throws XML validation exceptions if things don't work as planed, and I get to wok with code that looks and feels a whole lot more like an object graph and OO programming than the typical MS XML DOM manipulation of last year and the years before.

I have grown to like it so much that now I think that all the problems of the world (hunger, plagues, politics, terrorism and poverty) can be solved by doing some xsd.exe and C#.

Next stop:

Generation of Makefiles from MonoDevelop combines and project files using xsd/C#.

NOTE: Todd, now you know why I asked you this morning :)

Posted by martinf at April 7, 2004 06:08 AM