April 11, 2004

Coding in a Bunny Suit

Well, I just finished updating prj2make-sharp so that it can generate makefiles using MonoDevelop workspace (*.cmbx) and project (*.prjx) file formats.
I used the .NET Framework capability for deserializing XML documents into an object graph ? see my previous blog entry for more details.

One of the byproducts of this effort is a set of documents that maps out the structure of both combines and project files. I used XMLSpy 4.0 Professional from Altova to generate these documents from the xsd files prj2make includes in its source code. I think XML Spy is very good and very expensive. Hint: At over $500, XML Spy wold make a great Open Source Linux GTK# project ? God knows I rather give my fellow community members a shot at my millions :)

Next stop for prj2make:

Generation of MonoDevelop project files from Visual Studio .NET csproj files

Rumor has it that maybe portions or all of prj2make could be included in Mono 1.0. I will become 40 years old on April 22, and what I want most for my birthday is to be allowed to put one of those awesome Mono Contributor png's somewhere in my website.

I want the cease of hostilities in the Middle East and for my son to come back from his never ending tour of duty in Korea, but the Mono emblem is quite high up there.

Posted by martinf at April 11, 2004 09:38 AM