April 30, 2004

Busy Enthusiasm

A great thing has happen. I will be visiting Puerto Rico for the first time in almost five years! Mi beautiful wife Maria and my little angel Monica are already there on vacation. I have been invited to participate on the Puerto Rico Open Source Congress as a presenter on my favorite subject Mono! I take this opportunity to thank Erik Dasque, Todd Berman, Miguel de Icaza, Kevin Shockey and Kyle Davis for making this great opportunity possible.

Speaking of Mono, the Beta 1 release has everyone running like crazy to put the finishing touches. There are many parts to Mono but the one I have grown most attached to is MonoDevelop. The community’s IDE for Mono is about to go out as release 0.3 and it will add a lot of features that make it much more inter operable with other .NET IDEs and better capabilities to facilitate the build process of one’s project.

I have been so busy that I had to wait until now to make an entry. It is sort of pathetic that on something like blogs that are supposed to let you author content from pretty much anywhere in an easy fashion, an yet I don’t do it often enough.

Went to the theater to watch the movie "Man on Fire". Not a bad movie but perhaps a good one to confirm my theory that Miguel de Icaza looks like Marc Anthony or the other way around. The cool thing is that even if one does not see the similarity, I think it can still be said that both are great latinos.

Posted by martinf at April 30, 2004 10:11 PM