August 27, 2004

Gtk# Now Really Gets Along with MS GAC!

Thanks to Mike Kestner's latest fix, Gtk# should work without much complication in the MS GAC.

The Glade Win32 Man, Ivan Wong, helped me troubleshoot GTK 2.4 for Windows and that was the last thing necessary to make it the GTK+ version that I am bundling with both the Mono Combined Installer as well as Gtk# Win32 Installer for .NET Framework SDK 1.1.

I am aware that our current implementation of Gtk# is based on bindings to GTK 2.2 and although there may not be any great new feature specific advantages to be had by bundling with GTK 2.4, there are a number of bug fixes and optimizations that are available in 2.4 but have not and may not be ported to the older 2.2 Win32 port.

Thank you John Luke, Mauricio de Lemos Rodrigues and Daniel Morgan for the testing and the feedback.

As ususal you can find my latest installer renditions at Novell Forge.

For the Mono Combined Installer for Win32:

For the Gtk# Win32 only installer:

Posted by martinf at August 27, 2004 08:20 AM

Dude, I love you. Its been a bitch to experiment with GTK# on Windows before you started tinkering around with this stuff. You rock, man. YOU ROCK!

Posted by: Some guy. at August 27, 2004 03:48 PM

Thank you! it is comments like these that keep one going.

Posted by: Paco at August 27, 2004 06:11 PM