May 26, 2005

It is now over two months

With Memorial Day weekend approaching, I thought of updating the blog entry I did in the Utah hotel after being notified of Paquito's death.

I thought it would be a good place to put some of the links that tell you about him and to let my family's friends and loved ones read again the outpour of support that the world community gave us during those very difficult times.

Last night was the season finale of a couple of very amusing shows ("Lost" and "American Idol"). The majority of us are doing our best to keep busy with all the things that will take our mind off the ongoing war in Afganistan and Iraq.

Do you ever stop to think about what happens to all the kids we send to this war? You see, we have no ongoing "Draft" so that means that those who did volunteer so that you and I are not forced to go have to do more than what is fair.

If we can't bring them home now because is not appropriate, and will not let us finish what we started, then perhaps... Start the draft. Let us see how patriotic we really are. I did my time in the service (over 10 years)yet, I will go back in if it will help my fellow men and/or women.

I am far from a war monger! However, if recalling me back to active duty will give our volunteers a shorter troop rotation then send me in.

Posted by martinf at May 26, 2005 07:47 AM

Hello Mr. Martinez,
Today I thought of your son, my best friend, Paquito. I made a post in reference to him on my blogging site

Memorial Day is about remembering those who've given their lives.

I'll remember that sacrifice from Frank everyday of my life.

I would love to stay in touch somehow, I'll be in Texas in July and would love to meet with you. I left my email address, and again, I wish you best in Life and to continue to never let Frank's memory die.

Posted by: Thasanee at May 31, 2005 01:52 AM