

Francisco T. Martinez

iMilDotCalc Available for Sale


MilDotCalc is now available on the Mac App Sto...

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My son's remains were put to rest yesterday in the Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetery. It was military burial with full honors. Just before we parted to the hollow ground we were given over medal...

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Mil Dot Calculation Software


As many of you know, I have an interest in long range shooting. Here in Texas, there are quite a few shooting ranges that sport...

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Paco's Blog

Hmm... I swear that I have lived through this decade before...

Just two more days of military life before I submerge yet again into a six plus month IT engagement that will keep me quite occupied. It has been great to see all my military brothering.

The US military is going through the 1991 "Ultra-SlimFast" diet yet again. Long live the Economy. May we not see the events of 2001's 911 yet again.

Remeber: "Mas sabe el Diablo por viejo que por Diablo"
Comments: Hmm... I swear that I have lived through this decade before...

Welcome back to civilian life!